Autism is a serious matter. It's something that takes daily focus, concentration, guidance, and support from friends and family. As most know that have to deal with Autism, that for the most part, there are NO medications to help curb the side effects that leech into everyday life.
Unfortunately, when people are unaware of the difficulties faced every day by the person with Autism as well as friends and family, and they become more concerned with their own comfort level is when things can go seriously wrong.
Anyone who has Twitter or browses the web knows of where I'm going with this. For people that don't know, however, I'll explain.
I saw this myself on my Facebook page that a good friend of mine posted. The title was disconcerting and while I hoped it was some sort of sick joke, my friend's reaction to it told me it wasn't.
Apparently, some days ago, an anonymous woman slipped a note under the doorway into a house where a young man who has severe Autism lives with his mother. The note itself, while having no profanity, was horrendously vile and cruel in the way that make profanity look like the "Queen's English".
I'll post a link to the picture of the letter below.
Woman's Incredibly Offensive Letter
In the letter, the use of multiple exclamation marks might make it seem as if it were some child playing a prank. But once one delves into the words being typed, it's hard to imagine anyone being this cruel.
Lines like:
"You selfishly put your kid outside everyday and let him be a nothing but a nuisance and a problem to everyone else with that noise polluting whaling he constantly makes!!!"
"It scares the hell out of my normal children!!!!!!!"
Expresses how much she values her form of "normalcy". These lines are hurtful enough. However, the lady, if one can even call her that, doesn't stop there. Instead of trying to treat this situation like an adult, she turns her venom onto the parents and tries to "explain" her... "logic".
"He is a hindrance to everyone and will always be that way!!!!! Who the hell is going to care for him????? No employer will hire him, no normal girl is going to marry/love him and you are not going to live forever!! Personally, they should take whatever non retarded body parts he possesses and donate it to science."
This woman doesn't seem to have a rational bone in her entire body.
People with Autism didn't ask to be this way. It's not a choice that happens. Hell, it's not even something that was the parents fault. Parents who were healthy their entire lives can just as easily give birth to a child with Autism just as much as parents who have smoked or drank or had multiple surgeries in their life time.
There are amazing people out in the world who have started up their own businesses that are autistic. Video game creators, artists, musicians, and even scientists. There was even a young girl with such severe autism that she couldn't function half as well as the boy in this story who loves color and painting. Now, a library has seen her work and hangs it in their library and they are bring sold on the internet to help fund her treatment and well being.
And yet, here we have this woman who rages against someone that has never harmed her or her children in anyway. Instead of showing her children the value of compassion and understanding, she makes a suggestion on how this young man's family might ease HER fears.
"Go live in a trailer in the woods or something with your will animal kid!!"
And there it comes. To her, his is nothing more than an animal now. Not worth anything to anyone. A burden upon society. A blemish upon the normal fabric of the nation.
Seems to me like this woman needs to look in the mirror at herself and her life before deciding who really is a burden upon the people around her.
If all the rest of her letter wasn't enough, she ends her letter of hate with the most offensive words that anyone could say about a HUMAN BEING...
"Do the right thing and move or euthanize him!! Either way, we are ALL better off!!!"
Excuse me... EUTHANIZE HIM? What is the matter with this woman. If one of her children were born with a disability that didn't reveal itself till later in life, would she kill her own child just to be rid of what she currently considers a burden?
Part of me fears for the children living under her roof and the things they are being taught about people today.
Will they be the ones glaring in scorn as a disabled person being pushed in a wheelchair passes them down the sidewalk as they give him or her a wide berth?
There is more than enough hate in this world without adding to it by taking out our anger and disdain on others because they are different or because we don't know the whole story.
We all MUST learn from each other. We need to see that everyone no matter who they are needs not only to be called a human being but also needs to be listened to with an open mind and a open heart.
And even though this woman might never see this post, I want to send a message to her and her family.
I will say that I pray for her and her family. I will pray that God will open her eyes to what she has caused to happen and the pain she has caused to another family. That she should know that while eventually when hate cools that in my own heart I will forgive her for her actions but I will certainly never forget her and her actions. That while I might be an unemployed 28 year old woman with a disability, that in the here and now I truly feel more sorry for her that she feels like she must express her anger and disdain in such a way. I can only hope that she can confront the issues that are causing her to lash out against her fellow human beings and come to terms with her own inner demons.
If you want to see the article and news broadcast about this event, follow the link below and I hope that one day soon, all of this can be just a memory of what used to be.
Unfortunately, when people are unaware of the difficulties faced every day by the person with Autism as well as friends and family, and they become more concerned with their own comfort level is when things can go seriously wrong.
Anyone who has Twitter or browses the web knows of where I'm going with this. For people that don't know, however, I'll explain.
I saw this myself on my Facebook page that a good friend of mine posted. The title was disconcerting and while I hoped it was some sort of sick joke, my friend's reaction to it told me it wasn't.
Apparently, some days ago, an anonymous woman slipped a note under the doorway into a house where a young man who has severe Autism lives with his mother. The note itself, while having no profanity, was horrendously vile and cruel in the way that make profanity look like the "Queen's English".
I'll post a link to the picture of the letter below.
Woman's Incredibly Offensive Letter
In the letter, the use of multiple exclamation marks might make it seem as if it were some child playing a prank. But once one delves into the words being typed, it's hard to imagine anyone being this cruel.
Lines like:
"You selfishly put your kid outside everyday and let him be a nothing but a nuisance and a problem to everyone else with that noise polluting whaling he constantly makes!!!"
"It scares the hell out of my normal children!!!!!!!"
Expresses how much she values her form of "normalcy". These lines are hurtful enough. However, the lady, if one can even call her that, doesn't stop there. Instead of trying to treat this situation like an adult, she turns her venom onto the parents and tries to "explain" her... "logic".
"He is a hindrance to everyone and will always be that way!!!!! Who the hell is going to care for him????? No employer will hire him, no normal girl is going to marry/love him and you are not going to live forever!! Personally, they should take whatever non retarded body parts he possesses and donate it to science."
This woman doesn't seem to have a rational bone in her entire body.
People with Autism didn't ask to be this way. It's not a choice that happens. Hell, it's not even something that was the parents fault. Parents who were healthy their entire lives can just as easily give birth to a child with Autism just as much as parents who have smoked or drank or had multiple surgeries in their life time.
There are amazing people out in the world who have started up their own businesses that are autistic. Video game creators, artists, musicians, and even scientists. There was even a young girl with such severe autism that she couldn't function half as well as the boy in this story who loves color and painting. Now, a library has seen her work and hangs it in their library and they are bring sold on the internet to help fund her treatment and well being.
And yet, here we have this woman who rages against someone that has never harmed her or her children in anyway. Instead of showing her children the value of compassion and understanding, she makes a suggestion on how this young man's family might ease HER fears.
"Go live in a trailer in the woods or something with your will animal kid!!"
And there it comes. To her, his is nothing more than an animal now. Not worth anything to anyone. A burden upon society. A blemish upon the normal fabric of the nation.
Seems to me like this woman needs to look in the mirror at herself and her life before deciding who really is a burden upon the people around her.
If all the rest of her letter wasn't enough, she ends her letter of hate with the most offensive words that anyone could say about a HUMAN BEING...
"Do the right thing and move or euthanize him!! Either way, we are ALL better off!!!"
Excuse me... EUTHANIZE HIM? What is the matter with this woman. If one of her children were born with a disability that didn't reveal itself till later in life, would she kill her own child just to be rid of what she currently considers a burden?
Part of me fears for the children living under her roof and the things they are being taught about people today.
Will they be the ones glaring in scorn as a disabled person being pushed in a wheelchair passes them down the sidewalk as they give him or her a wide berth?
There is more than enough hate in this world without adding to it by taking out our anger and disdain on others because they are different or because we don't know the whole story.
We all MUST learn from each other. We need to see that everyone no matter who they are needs not only to be called a human being but also needs to be listened to with an open mind and a open heart.
And even though this woman might never see this post, I want to send a message to her and her family.
I will say that I pray for her and her family. I will pray that God will open her eyes to what she has caused to happen and the pain she has caused to another family. That she should know that while eventually when hate cools that in my own heart I will forgive her for her actions but I will certainly never forget her and her actions. That while I might be an unemployed 28 year old woman with a disability, that in the here and now I truly feel more sorry for her that she feels like she must express her anger and disdain in such a way. I can only hope that she can confront the issues that are causing her to lash out against her fellow human beings and come to terms with her own inner demons.
If you want to see the article and news broadcast about this event, follow the link below and I hope that one day soon, all of this can be just a memory of what used to be.
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